
I have recently completed my PhD at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London.

I research feminist foreign policy; diplomacy and gender, race, and class; and everyday knowledge production in foreign policy. My research is situated at the intersection of feminist international relations, institutional ethnography, and international political sociology.

My main empirical focus is on Germany.

I have extensive public speaking and teaching experience, with a focus on international relations and feminist foreign policy.

I am a member of the Programme for Gender and International Politics at the Polis180 think tank for Foreign and European Policy. As part of my work and as an academic expert, I have provided expertise on feminist foreign policy and the Women, Peace and Security agenda to the German government.

I hold a first-class honours B.A. in International Relations from the University of Erfurt, Germany, and an M.A. in Conflict, Security and Development (Distinction) from King’s College London.

Prior to my PhD, I was Personal Advisor to the State Secretary of a German State Chancellery.

I’m currently based in Berlin.

A headshot of Karoline Faerber. Karoline has dark hair with a fringe, light skin, and smiles into the camera.