
Research articles

Columba Achilleos-Sarll, Jennifer Thomson, Toni Haastrup, Karoline Färber, Carol Cohn, and Paul Kirby. 2023. “The Past, Present, and Future(s) of Feminist Foreign Policy.” International Studies Review 25(1).

David Ramiro Troitiño and Karoline Färber. 2019. “Historical Errors in the Conception of the Euro and its Subsequent Development.” Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (39)2: 328-343.

David Ramiro Troitiño, Karoline Färber, and Anni Boiro. 2017. “Mitterand the the Great European Design. From the Cold War to the European Union.” Baltic Journal of European Studies 7(2): 132-147.

Book chapters

Karoline Färber. forthcoming. “Women in 20th century German diplomacy: A history of firsts.” In Critical Junctures in Gender and Diplomacy, edited by Elise Stephenson and Khushi Singh Rathore. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Jennifer Thomson and Karoline Färber. 2025. “Interrogating the ‘feminist’ in feminist foreign policy.” In Handbook on Gender and Security, edited by Jutta Joachim, Annica Kronsell, and Natalia Dalmer. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Online publications

Simone Wisotzki, Victoria Scheyer, and Karoline Färber. 2022. “Rechte, Repräsentanz, Ressourcen, Diversität: Wie könnte eine feministische Außenpolitik für Deutschland aussehen?” PRIFblog. [in German]

Karoline Färber. 2022. “Women in German Foreign Policy: A new research agenda.” New Voices in Global Security.

Maike Laengenfelder and Karoline Färber. 2021. “Angela Merkel’s feminist legacy? Moving away from the status quo in foreign policy.” Polis blog.

Karoline Färber. 2018. “The Absence of Methodology in Securitisation Theory.” E-International Relations.

Policy papers

Netzwerk 1325. 2023. Annäherung an eine feministische Außenpolitik Deutschlands. Position paper on the German feminist foreign policy, co-authored by 18 German civil society organisations. [in German]


Fussnoten Podcast by radio M94.5. 2021. “Feministische Außenpolitik – Ein neuer Weg für Deutschland?” [in German]